Collaborating with contractors to reduce costs during COVID-19
How we’re collaborating with our contractors to keep operational costs down, and what this means for our tenants
Our suppliers are also working with us to provide innovative solutions during these unprecedented times. Together we’ve been able to reduce operating costs whilst still providing a compliant, safe and attractive environment, with the objective of passing those savings directly onto tenants. These measures will result in a direct reduction in outgoings across the precinct and on a building-by-building basis for our tenants.
The support of our contractors and suppliers has been significant in this effort and it should be recognised by all as it comes at a time where their own businesses are also experiencing the negative impacts of the pandemic.
The support involves scaling back of non-essential works to reduce costs in the following areas:
- reduced frequency of landscape maintenance away from the main boulevards,
- reduced frequency of waste collection, road sweeping and pest control; and
- the temporary cessation of bus services.
Services such as Fire, HVAC (air-conditioning) and lift maintenance remain in full as they are essential services that ensure occupant safety and compliance.
The highest presentation and maintenance standards are also still paramount to the successful operation of Essendon Fields and we’d like to highlight the incredible work that our cleaning contractors, landscapers and maintenance suppliers are providing at this extraordinary time.
The contributions by our contractors including Super Gardens, Wayne’s Cleaning, Carbridge Bus Company, Paramount Air Conditioning, Walker Fire Services, Airmaster Australia, Active Utilities and Construction Electrical Services has been generous and will be remembered into the future.
With the help of these businesses and others, our tenants will recognise a noticeable outgoings savings year-on-year at the conclusion of this financial year, and we will be working closely with our partners to continue to reduce operational expenditure if the crisis continues longer than expected.
On behalf of all of the customers at Essendon Fields, thank you.