Global Avenue | Hart Precinct



Consistent with the approved 2013 Essendon Fields Master Plan, offices and warehouse facilities are being developed in the north-east section of the Essendon Fields site.

The project includes:

  • Civil and infrastructure works, including delivery of sewer, water and electrical infrastructure, a new retarding basin for stormwater management and the extension of Global Avenue.
  • Recently completed construction of a new 20,000 square metre office / warehouse building at 112-120 Global Avenue for the design and manufacture of modular construction components. This building has been leased to Modscape.
  • Construction of a new 5,600 square metre warehouse and office development at 1 Challenger Court, which is being offered for lease.
  • Construction of a new 10,600 sqm office / warehouse building at 121-131 Global Avenue for the design and manufacture of acoustic panels and insulation products.

WORKS ALERT Updated 8 March 2024

As part of our ongoing development works, one lane of Challenger Court will be closed on Thursday 14/03/2024, between approximately 6:00am to 2:00pm.

Challenger Court will remain open to vehicles during this period, however brief delays are expected. Thank you for your support, and please check back here for any further updates.

WORKS ALERT Updated 22 March 2024

As part of our ongoing Global Avenue Development works, Tree Spading works will be undertaken along Global Avenue between April 2 and April 5, from 9.30am to 3pm each day. The works will take place between Challenger Court and the section of Global Avenue next to the Melbourne Water tanks.

Global Avenue will remain open to vehicles during this period; however traffic management will be in place and vehicles may be temporarily delayed. Thank you for your support, and please check back here for any further updates.

Click to image enlarge


Whilst we deliver these works, you may notice increased activity on the site, including increased noise from construction works.

Measures have been put in place to minimise disruption to local businesses and neighbouring residential properties, including limited working hours, and implementing dust suppression strategies particularly during the initial earthworks.

We will be keeping you informed throughout the project of any specific works that might affect you and have provided information about who to contact with enquiries.

We appreciate your support as we deliver these new facilities, which create new employment opportunities in the Essendon Fields area.


Construction at 121 – 131 Global Avenue will commence in August, with initial works including establishment of the site sheds and bulk earthworks.

During the initial bulk earthworks phase there may be some noise, dust and vibration, all of which will be closely managed and monitored in accordance with the approved Construction Environment Management Plan. It is anticipated that the earthworks will take four to six weeks to complete.

The Airport is a highly regulated environment and all soil is tested for contaminants prior to excavation and movement, with a risk assessment undertaken to ensure it is appropriately managed. All soil being used for the bulk earthworks has been tested, with low levels of PFAS being detected. The low concentrations pose no risk to human health and can be re-used as general fill without any form of treatment.

P1 Project Management has been appointed to manage the project, with contractors FDC appointed to build the new warehouse development. Essendon Fields has established a stakeholder management framework with our project team to ensure all contractors working onsite are proactively managing the impact of our development activity on the surrounding community.

For details, refer to the Project Works Update.


Essendon Fields is committed to communicating with our stakeholders about how we manage the impacts of our development projects at the airport.

Due to ongoing development projects that are being delivered under our Master Plan, excavated soil is being temporarily placed along the Lebanon Street boundary, as indicated on the site plan.  These truck and soil movements will gradually reduce and cease over the coming weeks as our contractors complete excavation works.

The airport is a highly regulated environment, and all soil is tested for contaminants prior to excavation and movement, with a risk assessment undertaken to ensure it is appropriately managed. Soil sampling has revealed the excavated soil contains low levels of PFAS, which poses no risk to human health and can be re-used as general fill without any form of treatment. The Airport Environment Officer has approved the excavation and temporary placement of this soil, which over time will be re-used throughout the airport.

However, we understand stakeholders’ concerns about the location and visual impact of the soil stockpile, and in the short-term, this soil is being reshaped to minimise visual impact, and has been sown with grass seed to suppress dust blow off.

We also appreciate concerns regarding light glare from the new warehouse development at 112-120 Global Avenue. As a result of this feedback Essendon Fields has worked with our contractors to minimise the impact of building lights on neighbouring properties, and the lighting has now been reoriented.

Our team are also investigating landscaping treatments along the airport boundary, including the planting of non-deciduous trees to provide year-round screening. We welcome your feedback as to how we can further improve visual interface with neighboring residential areas, and will continue to keep you updated regarding our development plans.


  • 1 Challenger Court 5,600 sqm warehouse / office
    Oct 2023 – October 2024

  • 121-131 Global Avenue 10,600 sqm warehouse / office
    August 2024 - July 2025


The works required will take place at the Eastern end of Global Avenue (refer to plan above).


Weekdays 7am - 6pm
Saturday 7am - 1pm


Access to the site will be via Global Avenue, which will see an increase in traffic during these works. While road closures are not anticipated, there may be temporary interruptions to traffic on Global Avenue and Challenger Courts, which will be communicated early to affected Essendon Fields tenants.


All projects undertaken at Essendon Fields are undertaken with strict safety and compliance measures, under a detailed Construction Environment Management Plan approved by the Airport Environment Officer, and include plans for:

  • public safety, amenity and site security

  • operating hours

  • noise and vibration controls

  • air and dust management

  • stormwater and sediment control

  • waste and materials reuse

  • traffic management (if required), and;

  • any conditions of the Planning Permit that applies to the development.


Aviation safety is our first priority at Essendon Fields. All development on site is completed with full regard to the National Airport Safeguarding Framework, aviation impacts assessments, and regulatory approvals.





There are over 200 active businesses including Linfox, Armaguard, Australia Post, Wilson Security and Visy that have chosen Essendon Fields as their home.

Explore the Precinct

The vibrant commercial hub of Essendon Fields has hosted aviation activities since 1919. Steeped in history, many of our leasing opportunities exist within heritage buildings.

Our History

We’re committed to protecting our local environment and focus heavily on creating pocket parks, walking trails and green spaces for our local community to enjoy.

Green Initiatives